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David Smith

Hi - Im David. Im one of the Associate Non-Execs on the board.

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Latest Activities

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11.59km / 31.05.2024

Last day!!

Loved the walking this month! It’s going to be nice next month not having to remember to log it every night too! Great fun activity. Thank you!

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12.71km / 30.05.2024


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12.55km / 28.05.2024

Soggy Tuesday!

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14.1km / 29.05.2024

Board Meeting Day

Had to get up and out early today for steps before and after board meeting. Thankfully a lot sunnier in the afternoon!

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16.42km / 27.05.2024

Bank Holiday. Again!

Long round walk today into York

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11.1km / 26.05.2024

Sunday stroll

Got drenched but worth the effort!

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15.61km / 25.05.2024

Saturday wanderings

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13.84km / 24.05.2024

Walk by the Ouse

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16.73km / 23.05.2024

Back on track!

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1.26km / 22.05.2024


Well, not really a disaster but spending the day at the research conference (which was fab!) and then a meeting afterwards and pouring rain when I finally got home meant I missed walking for the first time in a couple of years. Need to make it up!

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13.03km / 21.05.2024

21st May

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16.25km / 20.05.2024

Day 20

25344 steps.

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13.36km / 19.05.2024

Sunday 18th

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13.84km / 18.05.2024

Saturday Sunshine

21944 steps today.

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17.22km / 17.05.2024

More walking….

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15.13km / 16.05.2024

Day 16

23149 steps

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8.53km / 14.05.2024

Slow step day!

Between rain, work and commuting didn’t do so well on the steps today! 12060

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14.81km / 15.05.2024

Day 15

23043 steps

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17.54km / 13.05.2024

Good start to the week!

27200 steps

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13.06km / 12.05.2024

Sunny Sunday

20808 steps

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11.43km / 11.05.2024

Day 11

Not quite hit the target today but enjoyed mooching around in the sunshine!

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12.88km / 10.05.2024

Friday feeling

19493. Not bad considering 2/3rds of the day we’re sat in meetings!

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14.81km / 09.05.2024

Snook day

Walked into town today for the Snook Trail auction raising funds for St Leonard’s Hospice. 23046 steps and 27k for the charity. A good day all round!

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12.07km / 08.05.2024

Day eight

19082 steps

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9.66km / 07.05.2024

Day seven

Forgot to update! Work getting in the way of walking. lol. 14444 steps

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12.87km / 06.05.2024

Day six

19588 steps today trying to avoid the rain and stay in the sun!

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15.77km / 05.05.2024

Day Five

24113 steps today made all the easier by chips and an ice cream in Scarborough!

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18.83km / 04.05.2024

Day four. London bound!

Bank holiday weekend is a chance to do something different. Train to London. Lots of steps. Great day out! 28400 steps.

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13.68km / 03.05.2024

Day three. Walking in the rain!

19964 steps. I’m going to have to walk around the room to get to 20k!

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12.07km / 02.05.2024

Day two

Half of the day was screen time today while the sun was shining outside. Made up for it when work was finished. 18344 steps.

Foot Logo

16.89km / 01.05.2024

Day One!

Smashed my target for day one with 25513 steps. Confession though...the car was at the garage all day and I walked everywhere which really helped!

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