
Frequently asked questions

You can complete your 100K anytime during the month of May. You don’t have to start on 1st so don’t worry if you’re joining us mid-way through the month.

At the top of this website there’s a ‘register now’ button - or click here. Complete the simple form and your profile will be created!

This is a walking (or running) challenge. Watch out for cycling challenges in the future!

This is the percentage of the challenge you or your team have completed. It’s a way of making the leaderboard more fair for different sized teams. A team’s target is based on everyone reaching 100K, but this total distance will be different for a team of 2 versus a team of 5. So by using a percentage we get a true figure of how close a team is to their target!

At the top of this website you can log into your profile – or click here. The box at the top will ask you about your latest activity. Here you can add your km and a title of the walk. You can also add more of a description and a photo if you want.

We know that many of our staff will walk several km every day as part of their jobs and you can definitely use these to clock up the miles as part of this challenge. If you need to convert your steps to km, here’s a handy calculator: to Km Calculator (thecalculatorsite.com)
You might also choose to just use the extra steps you do out of work for the challenge, this is great too! Remember – it’s 100K YOUR WAY, so complete it however works for you.

We want everyone to get outside and get moving! We would love for everyone to reach the 100km target but don’t worry at all if you don’t. As long as you’ve walked more and enjoyed it, that’s all that matters!

That would be fantastic! There’s no limit to this challenge, we just want people to enjoy being active.

Of course! Choose a team leader and they will create a log-in and register the team. This year we’re limiting the number of people in a team to 5, and you’ll be asked to put in their names as ‘team members’. Upload a group photo if you have one and off you go! Your target will be based on everyone in your team reaching 100K.

Not at all. You can choose an character image if you would prefer.

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