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Ryedale Ramblers 2

Team Members: Aimee Machin (195.13 km), Nadine Douch (248.58 km), Jennie Stephens (252.78 km), Andy Armstrong (164.25 km), Jackie Ahearn (233 km)

2nd team of victory winners waiting to win again...

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Latest Activities

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22.86km / 31.05.2024

Andy steps 31/5/24

Finishing on a high

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2.75km / 30.05.2024

Andy steps 30/5/24

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5.54km / 29.05.2024

Andy steps 29/5/24

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1.96km / 28.05.2024

Andy's steps 28/5/24

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2.45km / 27.05.2024

Andy steps 27/5/24

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3.9km / 26.05.2024

Andy steps 26/5/24

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3.6km / 25.05.2024

Andy steps 25/5/24

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26.61km / 29.05.2024

Jackie's steps

From 29th, 30th, 31st

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2.06km / 31.05.2024

Aimee's steps 31/5/24

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3.58km / 30.05.2024

Aimee's steps 30/5/24

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3.41km / 29.05.2024

Aimee's steps 29/5/24

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13.6km / 31.05.2024

Nadines final fling

June tomorrow 😂😂😂😂

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9km / 30.05.2024

Nadines penultimate walk

One more day to go.

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9.11km / 30.05.2024


My last day of steps as on my hen do tomorrow!

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10.4km / 29.05.2024

Nadines on the home straight .

Walking round the block after 10pm to get over 10k When will it end?

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10.36km / 29.05.2024

Jennie’s Wednesday

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4.04km / 28.05.2024

Aimee's steps 28/5/24

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4.15km / 27.05.2024

Aimee's steps 27/5/24

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2.17km / 26.05.2024

Aimee's steps 26/5/24

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4.75km / 25.05.2024

Aimee's steps 25/5/24

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1.91km / 24.05.2024

Aimee's steps 24/5/24


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53.96km / 28.05.2024

Jackie steps

Minus 152.43km already recorded

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13.42km / 29.05.2024

Tuesday steps

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7.5km / 28.05.2024

Nadine walks again

Too busy trying to escape from the titanic this evening

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10.9km / 27.05.2024

Jennie Sunday

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13.8km / 27.05.2024

Nadine got wet today

Doggie day care day!

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8.8km / 26.05.2024

Bank holiday Sunday Jennie

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4.3km / 26.05.2024

Nadines wet walk

Doing my best to avoid the showers

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9.37km / 25.05.2024

Jennie Saturday

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12.1km / 25.05.2024

Nadines epic walk

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5.2km / 24.05.2024

Nadine did this much

Not a big amount today

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8.64km / 24.05.2024

Jennie’s Friday steps

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4.81km / 23.05.2024

Aimee's steps 23/5/24

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5.9km / 23.05.2024

Nadines still wandering

After work before pub !

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4.98km / 22.05.2024

Aimee's steps 22/5/24

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6.2km / 22.05.2024

Nadines rainy day

Every bit helps

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8.24km / 22.05.2024

Wednesday steps

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48.83km / 22.05.2024

Jackie's third week

Jackie's weekly steps

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8.5km / 21.05.2024

Nadines still at it

Dog walking mainly today

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5.09km / 20.05.2024

Andy steps 20/5/24

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6km / 21.05.2024

Aimee's steps 21/5/24

+ garmin steps this morning

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6.85km / 20.05.2024

Aimee's steps 20/5/24

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9.38km / 20.05.2024

Monday steps

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7.98km / 21.05.2024

Tuesday steps

Exam means no steps in today!

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8.5km / 20.05.2024

Nadines after work determination.

Surprising how many steps you can accumulate while hoovering and gardening , and walking around Pickering.

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3.93km / 19.05.2024

Andy steps 19/5/24

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38.8km / 18.05.2024

Andy steps 18/5/24

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2.54km / 17.05.2024

Andy steps 17/5/24

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0.63km / 16.05.2024

Andy steps 16/5/24

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2.07km / 15.05.2024

Andy steps 15/5/24

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3.56km / 14.05.2024

Andy steps 14/5/24

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4.95km / 13.05.2024

Andy steps 13/5/24

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2.32km / 12.05.2024

Andy steps 12/5/24

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3.28km / 11.05.2024

Andy steps 11/5/24

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4.88km / 10.05.2024

Andy steps 10/5/24

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4.61km / 09.05.2024

Andy steps 9/5/24

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5.4km / 08.05.2024

Andy steps 8/5/24

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2.34km / 07.05.2024

Andy steps 7/5/24

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4.3km / 06.05.2024

Andy steps 6/5/24

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1.84km / 02.05.2024

Andy steps 2/5/24

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2.57km / 05.05.2024

Andy steps 5/5/24

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3.15km / 03.05.2024

Andy steps 3/5/24

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2.6km / 01.05.2024

Andy steps 1/5/24

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3.45km / 19.05.2024

Aimee's steps 19/5/24

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14km / 19.05.2024

Nadines Sunday stroll

Another day ,another blister!

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7.54km / 19.05.2024


Today I was busy eating bbq sorry!

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11.4km / 18.05.2024

Walk Nadine walk

Nostalgic walk in Dalby tonight

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1.88km / 18.05.2024

Aimee's steps 18/5/24

lol sorry x

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2.63km / 17.05.2024

Aimee's steps 17/5/24

sorry team :/

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4.9km / 16.05.2024

Aimee's steps 16/5/24

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6.01km / 15.05.2024

Aimee's steps 15/5/24

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5.25km / 14.05.2024

Aimee's steps 14/5/24

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21.17km / 18.05.2024

Jennie’s Saturday


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4.8km / 17.05.2024

Nadines evening stroll

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6.6km / 16.05.2024

Nadine’s Thursday total

Legs too tired tonight !

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9.64km / 16.05.2024

Thursdays steps

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11.24km / 15.05.2024

Jennie’s Wednesday

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9.3km / 15.05.2024

Nadine’s walked again

Starting to feel like Forest Gump

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9.9km / 14.05.2024

Not quite the perfect ten today

9.9k that will have to do for today 😊

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10.24km / 14.05.2024

Jennie’s Wednesday

Better step count today!!

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51.67km / 14.05.2024

Jackie steps

Jackie's weekly steps. Minus 51.91 from last week

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2.84km / 13.05.2024

Aimee's steps 13/5/24

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4.21km / 11.05.2024

Aimee's steps 11/5/24

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5.77km / 10.05.2024

Aimee's steps 10/5/24


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10.6km / 13.05.2024

Nadine wonders is it nearly June??

Another day another walk

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5.68km / 13.05.2024


Low steps as university day!

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11.6km / 12.05.2024

Nadine’s Sunday stroll

Couldn’t get it to 20000 steps despite walking round the garden in my dressing gown!

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9.48km / 12.05.2024

Jennie’s attempt on a Sunday

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9.5km / 11.05.2024


Are we half way through the month yet?

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11.24km / 11.05.2024


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8.8km / 10.05.2024

Carry on walking starring Nadine

And so it continues……

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10.44km / 10.05.2024


Foot Logo

7.28km / 09.05.2024

Aimee steps 9/5/24

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4.2km / 08.05.2024

Aimee steps 8/5/24

watch died :(

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3.23km / 07.05.2024

Aimee steps 7/5/24

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8.3km / 09.05.2024

Nadine’s exercise

My legs ache today 🥹

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8.64km / 09.05.2024

Thursday steps

Foot Logo

6.7km / 08.05.2024

Nadine’s Wednesday effort

My feet ache today!

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9.53km / 08.05.2024

Wednesday steps

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51.93km / 08.05.2024

Jackie's first week 1st to 7th May

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7.9km / 07.05.2024

Nadine at Blenheim palace

Went to see Winston Churchill

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10km / 07.05.2024

Tuesday steps

Tuesday steps done better today!!

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10.5km / 06.05.2024

Nadine’s footsteps

Walking in the rain

Foot Logo

10.43km / 06.05.2024

Aimee's steps 6/5/24


Foot Logo

3.31km / 05.05.2024

Aimee's steps 5/5/24

Foot Logo

7.5km / 06.05.2024

Bank holiday steps

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18km / 05.05.2024

Nadine walking obviously

Nadine’s effort today

Foot Logo

7.3km / 05.05.2024

Sunday steps

Sunday steps , lazy bbq day so less steps !!

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22.33km / 04.05.2024

Andy steps 4/5/24

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4.12km / 04.05.2024

Aimee's steps

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4.5km / 03.05.2024


Walking and getting fitter

Foot Logo

4.5km / 03.05.2024

Walking ,what else!

More putting one foot in front of another time!

Foot Logo

5.7km / 04.05.2024


Must get my steps in

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6km / 04.05.2024

Saturday steps

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8.2km / 03.05.2024

Aimee's steps 3/5/24

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9.5km / 03.05.2024

Friday steps

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10.43km / 02.05.2024

Aimee's daily steps

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9.3km / 02.05.2024

More walking

Just walked a bit more

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7km / 02.05.2024


Foot Logo

9.88km / 01.05.2024

Nadine's steps 1/5/24

Evidence in the whatsapp

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9.52km / 01.05.2024

1st of May steps

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5km / 01.05.2024

First of may dog walk

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