Becky Clayton
Hi I'm Becky, I'm signing up for another round of 100k in May, I did it last year and it helped keep me accountable and was just generally good for my wellbeing (both physical and mental).
Becky Clayton
Hi I'm Becky, I'm signing up for another round of 100k in May, I did it last year and it helped keep me accountable and was just generally good for my wellbeing (both physical and mental).
Latest Activities
3.15km / 30.05.2024
3.25km / 28.05.2024
6.1km / 27.05.2024
Lovely walk on a gorgeous bank holiday, taking a visiting friend to the train station after a nice weekend together
6.3km / 26.05.2024
5.45km / 25.05.2024
3.5km / 23.05.2024
2.1km / 22.05.2024
Just a short walk this evening, trying to dodge and outrun the showers
3.25km / 21.05.2024
3.3km / 20.05.2024
3.6km / 19.05.2024
2km / 18.05.2024
2.1km / 17.05.2024
Just a little walk this evening due to feeling under the weather, glad to have still got out though
3.1km / 14.05.2024
3.9km / 13.05.2024
2km / 09.05.2024
Just a short walk this evening due to being busy, but tried to get something in just to stay consistent
5.5km / 08.05.2024
Afternoon walk into town, timed perfectly to watch the swing bridge open to let a boat through that shared my name
3.7km / 07.05.2024
7.6km / 06.05.2024
Bank holiday walk into town and around the shops in the sun, with a cheeky stop off for an iced coffee
3km / 02.05.2024
Evening walk along the estuary