Baker Street Beasts 2
Team Members: Sian Copeland (132.26 km), Ali Haynes (0 km), Lisa Ward (43.78 km), Ange Roberts (104.78 km), Hannah Lamb (5 km)
We are from the Addictions TEam in Baker Street. Sian our team leader will motivate this team to achievement and we will SUCCEED.
Latest Activities
15km / 21.05.2024
RHS Bridgewater
6.8km / 20.05.2024
11km / 19.05.2024
10km / 18.05.2024
6.8km / 17.05.2024
9.6km / 16.05.2024
9.6km / 15.05.2024
2.8km / 14.05.2024
6km / 13.05.2024
23.86km / 15.05.2024
10.8km / 12.05.2024
6km / 11.05.2024
9.6km / 10.05.2024
5.8km / 09.05.2024
9.2km / 08.05.2024
4.5km / 07.05.2024
13km / 06.05.2024
A very long walk around the castle and beautiful Lincoln
4km / 05.05.2024
In and around the garden and to garden centre
7km / 04.05.2024
A browse around the shops and a Riverside jaunt
9.5km / 03.05.2024
A gentle run around the parks and cemetery of west hull
5.2km / 06.05.2024
6.8km / 05.05.2024
5km / 04.05.2024
4.3km / 03.05.2024
2.2km / 02.05.2024
12.76km / 01.05.2024
7,960 steps