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Neil Bussey

Administrator in Beverley Central Admin office for the Health Visitors at Beverley Heath Centre. Stay fit and never give up.

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Latest Activities

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14.13km / 27.05.2024

North Beach Cirle

Walked from Bempton to the North Beach Cafe. Doubled back and walked round Swereby Cricket field. Walked down to the Harbour and around the Spa Theatre. Walk back to Bempton via the Priory Church.

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15.86km / 25.05.2024

Sewerby to Spa Theatre Walk

A walk from Bempton to Sewerby and then on to Bridlington Harbour. A walk round the Spa Theatre and returning to Bempton via Christ Church and the Priory Church.

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12.29km / 19.05.2024

Filey Town and Beach Walk

A walk round Filey Town and then a walk on the very long Beach past the Butlin's House. The coastal erosion is apparent.

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11.23km / 18.05.2024

Sewerby to Bridlington Spa Theatre

A walk from Bempton to Sewerby for the kite festival. Walked round Sewerby Cricket field and past the kite festival. Walked on the North Beach to the furthest point of the harbour and walked round the Spa and past Christ Church and back to Bempton.

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5.32km / 13.05.2024

Priory and Old Town Walk

A walk from Bempton past East Riding college and then to the Priory Church in Bridlington. From the Priory the walk continued through the Old Town and back to Bempton.

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5.62km / 13.05.2024

Bempton to Ward Hills Walk

A walk from Bempton to Ward Hills new housing just on the edge of Bridlington.

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26.33km / 12.05.2024

Sewerby and Carnaby Circle Walk

A walk route from Bempton. Sewerby, North Shore, Bridlington Harbour, South Shore, South Shore Holiday Village, Carnaby Industrial Estate, Carnaby, Bessingby, Bridlington Hospital and back to Bempton.

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16.3km / 11.05.2024

Sewerby to South Shore Walk

A walk from Bempton to Sewerby and then on to the South Shore through Bridlington Town. The morning was foggy and there was the custom car show in full swing on the South Shore.

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7.43km / 11.05.2024

Bridlington Town and Old Town Walk

A walk from Bempton into Bridlington Town and then walking past the main Post Office and Christ Church to the Old Town. After a walk through the Old Town I returned to Bempton. The walk was early in the morning.

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9.85km / 11.05.2024

North Beach and Harbour Circle Walk

A walk from Bempton to the North Beach and a walk on to harbour. A walk around the harbour and head up to Tesco's then on past the Fire Station and Bridlington Hospital and back to Bempton.

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6.29km / 10.05.2024

Beverley Minster Circle Walk.

A walk from Beverley Health Centre, where I parked my car for today, through Beverley Town and on to Beverley Minster. Returned to Beverley Health Centre walking round the perimeter of Beverley past the BP Station and East Riding Hospital.

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1.87km / 10.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Walk

A walk from Beverley Heath Centre at lunch time around St Mary's Church and under the North Gate. Then into Beverley Town Centre, returning to Beverley Health Centre past the Fire Station and Tesco's.

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11.06km / 09.05.2024

Barmston to Bridlington Walk

A walk from Barmston Carvan Park to Bridlington. I walked on the beach to Fraisthorpe because the paths had been eroded by coastal erosion.

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11.17km / 09.05.2024

Bridlington to Barmston Walk.

This was a walk from Bridlington to Barmston Caravan Park. It was a good walk on the path up to Fraisthorpe, but the paths up to Barmston were not available due to coastal erosion and I walked on the beach to get to Barmston Caravan Park.

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2.23km / 09.05.2024

Bev Health Centre to East Riding Hospital Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre to the car park at East Riding Hospital where I left my car.

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2.21km / 09.05.2024

Beverley Town Figure of 8 Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre into Beverley Town Centre and returning back to Beverely Health Centre, walking past the Fire Station and Tesco's. Then walking round St Mary's Church under the North Gate.

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1.88km / 09.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre around St Mary's Church and through the North into Beverley Town Centre, returning to Beverley Health Centre walking past the Fire Station and Tesco's.

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2.14km / 09.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Bev Health Centre Walk.

A walk from East Riding Hospital Car Park to Beverley Health Centre.

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2.13km / 08.05.2024

Bev Health Centre to East Riding Hospital Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre to East Riding Hospital where my car was parked.

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1.88km / 08.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre under the North Gatecand past St Mary's Church into Beverley. Then return past the fire station and Tesco to Beverley Health Centre.

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2.08km / 08.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Bev Health Centre Walk

A walk from my car parked at East Riding Hospital to Beverley Health Centre.

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2.13km / 07.05.2024

Bev Health Centre to East Riding Hospital

A walk back to East Riding Hospital car park where I left my car parked.

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2.44km / 07.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre via Asda and walking toward Tesco's and walking past M & S and Coplands on to St Mary's Church and under the North Gate, returning to Beverley Heath Centre.

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2.68km / 07.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Bev Health Centre

A walk from East Riding Hospital, where I left my car, to Beverley Heath Centre.

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8.62km / 06.05.2024

Fraisthorpe to Bempton

A walk from Fraisthorpr to Bempton with a short walk round the South Shore Holiday village

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8.12km / 06.05.2024

Bempton to Fraisthorpe Walk

A walk from Bempton to Fraisthorpe.

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12.07km / 05.05.2024

Flamborough Lighthouse to Bempton

The return journey from Flamborough Lighthouse was a little easier because I was going down some of the steepest steps. I noticed the World War 2 pillbox was still there on return.

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12.73km / 05.05.2024

Bempton to Flamborough Lighthouse Walk

A walk with fantastic sea views, winding paths that go up and down and some very steep stairs. When I hit the life boat house I couldn't go down the steep stairs to it because coastal erosion had damaged them. I took the alternate path.

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6.97km / 05.05.2024

Bridlington Town and Old Town Walk

I walked from Bempton to Bridlington Town and returned walking past Christ Church and then on to the Old Town. From the Old Town I returned to Bempton.

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13.24km / 04.05.2024

Bempton to South Shore Holiday Village Walk

A walk from Bempton through Bridlington Town and past the Spa Theatre to the South Shore Holiday Village. Returned walking past East Riding College and the Priory Church back to Bempton. It was a late night walk.

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10.41km / 04.05.2024

Bridlington Town to Sewerby walk

A walk from Bempton to Beidlington Town Centre and then on to Sewerby.

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6.54km / 03.05.2024

Bridlington Town and Old Town Walk

This walk is from my house in Bempton. It goes into the Town Centre and return past Christ Church and the main post office and up past the co-op to the Old Town then retuning to Bempton.

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2.13km / 03.05.2024

Bev Health Centre to East Riding Hospital Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre back to the car park at East Riding Hospital.

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2.35km / 03.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre around St Mary's and under the North Gate. The walk was extended to include Beverley Station.

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2.59km / 03.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Bev Heath Centre Walk

Left car in the car park at East Riding Hospital and walked to Beverley Health Centre via Asda.

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4.12km / 02.05.2024

Bridlington Old Town Walk

A walk from my house in Bempton and returning to Bempton, walking through Bridlington Old Town. Please not that all my walking data is stored in my walking pedometer app. I have reached my walking limit for today so tired .

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11.74km / 02.05.2024

Sewerby to Bridlington Harbour Walk

A walk from my house at Bempton to Sewerby Cricket field. A walk round the field and then past the Expanse Hotel and on to the farthest point of the Harbour. Returned to Bempton walking past Christ Church, East Riding College and the Priory Church.

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2.14km / 02.05.2024

Beverley Health Centre to East Riding Hosp Walk

A walk from Beverley Health Centre to East Riding Hospital where my car was parked.

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1.97km / 02.05.2024

Beverley and St Mary's Circle Walk.

I walked from Beverley Health Centre around the back of St Mary's Church and walked under North Bar Gate into Beverley Town. I returned to Beverley Health Centre walking past Tesco's.

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2.4km / 02.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Beverley Heath Centre Walk

A walk starting in the car park of East Riding Hospital and walking to Beverley Health Centre via Asda.

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10.38km / 01.05.2024

Bridlington Circle Walk

This is a walk around the perimeter of Bridlington and to the far end of Bridlington Harbour from my home in Bempton. A short walk round the crescent in Bridlington Town. Then returning to Bempton walking past the Expanse Hotel.

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2.23km / 01.05.2024

Beverley Heath Centre to East Riding Hospital Walk

A walk from Beverley Heath Centre to East Riding Hospital.

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1.89km / 01.05.2024

Beverley Town and St Mary's Circle Walk

A walk from Beverley Heath Centre around St Mary's Church and into Beverley Town Centre. Returning walking past thr fire station and Tesco's.

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2.54km / 01.05.2024

East Riding Hospital to Beverley Heath Centre Walk

A walk from East Riding Hospital to Beverley Heath Centre via Asda.

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